Hungary's unique energy service will be launched tomorrow. From now on, evDirect will not only be able to buy electricity from its CCS-connected high-capacity charging points, but also sell it.
To help alleviate this critical energy shortage, we are asking for the help of responsible electric car drivers.
Thanks to V2G technology, solar or wind power generated at home is taken over at competitive prices, so that electric car drivers can earn additional income.
Contributing electric car drivers must register with evDirect before the first "charge". In addition to providing personal data, registration requires proof that the electricity comes from a renewable source. The form can be downloaded from the MEKH website:
What is V2G?
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) describes a system in which plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), communicate with the electricity grid to sell demand-response services by feeding power back into the grid or reducing the charging rate. V2G storage capabilities enable electric vehicles to store and discharge electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, with variable power output depending on the weather and time of day.
Source: Wikipedia