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Press release - For immediate release
NAGYATÁD - A 101 Grid (formerly evDirect) announces the installation of a new round-the-clock electric car charger at Büttner Kft. in Nagyatád. The new charger is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, offering all car owners a convenient and fast charging option.
Büttner Ltd. is a family-owned metalworking company, one of the largest employers in the area. A solar panel system with a total capacity of 1 MWp was built on the roof of the factory buildings, which also supplies the energy for the charger.
The charge is HUF 230/kWh.
The charger can also be used with PayPass credit card terminals (MasterCard and Visa) and can be charged from a mobile phone, which can be paid afterwards by bank transfer or online credit card payment.
The new charger is 120 kW, so one car can charge up to 120 kW and two cars can charge up to 60 kW each at the same time. The cars are charged by a 400 ampere cable on each side, so each car can use the charger to its maximum capacity.
The 101 Grid is committed to the development of electric car charging infrastructure, and the new charger is another pledge of the company towards a sustainable future. The new charger is open to all interested parties to make electric cars easier to use.
The 101 Grid remains committed to providing convenient and accessible charging options for electric car drivers, thus supporting the spread of electric mobility.
101 ev Grid Ltd: https://evdirect.hu/
Büttner Ltd.: https://www.buttner.hu/hu
Lightning fast.hu https://villamgyors.hu/
101 EV Park: https://101evpark.hu/
IQOM Ltd (MyPOS): https://iqom.hu/mypos/

101 ev Grid Ltd.
1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 101.
Download in PDF format: http://evdirect.hu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/101-ev-Grid-Kft-Nagyatád-sajtóközlemény.pdf